Best Blogger Tips

1 Oct 2009

Gratitude Sells: Add A Dose of Affirmations, A Daily Intent and Follow Through

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Best Blogger Tips

Believe it or not, when you want more money in your life, that is not what you exclusively concentrate on.

Sure, you do the following:
  • clear out the crap in your head, 
  • add up your debt, decide on the amount of money you need, 
  • set a specific date to get it, 
  • you write it all down, and
  • you keep it visible. 
On the bathroom mirror, fridge, computer, a 3x5 card in your pocket that you pull out from time to time, etc. But that's a small part of it. 
Pay attention to how you feel
You see, if you don't believe what you have written nothing good will happen for you. In order to get what you want, you have to pay attention to how you feel. Your feelings are the keys to your success. 
When you are unhappy, that feeling is a belief which is falsely trying to keep you safe. It works by forcing you to lower your expectations or have none at all. 
You listen to those negative thoughts which break you down, and you tend to give up with lots of excuses. They are really just bad habits; messages from your past. 
You heard them endlessly as a child and they were recorded in your mind,  which is why you believe them. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy and it can be changed.

Affirmative action promotes new beliefs

Clear, simple daily affirmations together with positive actions, no matter how small, promote new beliefs which are beneficial and life-affirming. Money will naturally start to flow to you again. It may come in fits and spurts but it will keep on coming. Sounds simple doesn't it? It takes work and that means action.

Be grateful

Gratitude increases the flow and increased abundance will be attracted to you. Yes, gratitude sells in a very positive way. Add a dose of affirmations for your success and a daily intention.

A simple thank you when something good happens to you is all that is required. Feel good. Imagine how it would feel to have all your needs met. Expect it! Feel good about it and be grateful for it. That is the feeling you want to cultivate!

Follow through

All action you take towards your goal, no matter how small, stimulates the energy even more. That is the follow through. And it is magical when things start to flow as they should. Gratitude sells very well!

Work hard to get what you want

I'm talking from personal experience here. I grew up with the credo work hard to get what you want.  So naturally, I took that on board and busted my butt off to get anything I wanted. I overworked!

I never accepted anything from anyone because I thought the stress, strain, strife and unhappiness was normal.  I was so very, very wrong.

Very few people question this nonsensical and ludicrous maxim which wears us out and makes us unhappy.  We become sick of it and sick from it. We do not enjoy it, and I dare anyone to tell me differently.

Working with a passion doing what you love is a completely different scenario.

It has been one helluva ride to get to this stage where I recognise and can admit that this credo is absolute bullshit. I am working on eliminating it from my psyche by actively following - most of the time, because it is hard - only those thoughts and feelings which make me feel good.

Nothing has to be difficult, so I am working on getting that out of my system as well. I am so very grateful to have come this far.

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