Best Blogger Tips

12 Nov 2009

Empower Yourself: Become Authentic and Celebrate Who You Are

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Best Blogger Tips
Mike Robbins has written a great post in Oprah's Spirit Newsletter about the The Power of Authenticity in which he lists five principles on how to be authentic. I love stuff like kind of this. So here goes:

1 - Know yourself

Yes, a lot of folks shy away from this as much as they can. In exactly the same way that some are uncomfortable with silence and don't like being alone. Getting to know your authentic self takes a lifetime and we all must get there. So you have lots of time.

It is not a straight-forward affair. He thought for years like a lot of us that he was his "story", his drama, his issues, what made him tick and what didn't.

It's like when people ask you what you do and you reply I am a salesman, an internist, the best damn fullback of the season, and so on. None of that is who you are of course. The only way to know yourself is to go within, to the silence.

And that is a scary prospect. Getting to know yourself is uncomfortable because you have to face the parts you don't like. However, it is only when you embrace you completely and utterly that you can step into "your" shoes. We are better than we believe.

2 - Transform your fear - Own up to it

Fear is something we all experience in different ways and it will always be with us until we face it. Most of us think that we shouldn't be afraid, anxious, feel embarrassed, make mistakes and so on. But all of that is part of life to teach us, if we would only learn the lessons being taught.

When we own up to our fears, express them and face them the "monster" goes away. It doesn't happen before that. Fear is the enemy to be vanquished.

As we educate ourselves and others we will come to realise that fear faced is fear diminished. It fades away. Sure, you're trembling in your shoes but it gets easier every time.

That is the challenge of being authentic. Making sure that your fears don't stop you from being and expressing who you truly are, or going after what you really want.

3 - Express yourself - Despite your "story"

Most of us don't speak the truth or say what we truly want, think or feel. We are usually politically correct so that we don't offend or disappoint anyone and are not be offended in turn. It started in the cradle and then we took over our own training.

We all wear these masks and they make us comfortable being uncomfortable. We humans love that. Everything we say and do has to be in line with our "story". We set ourselves up and are obliged to fulfill others expectations based on what we project. Tough ain't it!

However, when we decide - to use Mike's own words - to be "passionate, vulnerable and bold" and move past the fear, we are then able to remain our own little authentic selves.

4 - Be bold - Live speak and act in ways that are courageous and reflect who you are

Most of us and the people around us are not bold, don't act bold and are terrified of "showing ourselves up" by being bold. But what if that's part of being authentic? Not bold like bungie-jumping bold - more like going past the self-imposed limits.

Living on the "edge" of our life as Mike Robbins calls it. Going past the limits to live, speak and act in ways which are courageous and true, without being defensive.  I have been there. You feel naked and vulnerable and as time goes along, guess what - you start to feel good "naked". "I am what I am" sort of thing.

It makes some people uncomfortable and it attracts others but none of that matters because you are in a good space because you are.

Being bold " getting in touch with our deepest truths, passions and desires, and then having the courage to live and act 'out loud' in a way that is congruent with this."

5 - Celebrate who you are - Be authentic

This is the ultimate goal. Loving and appreciating who you are, right here and right now. When you do, the fear - which is what stress is - behind your dreams, goals, motivations and desires disappears.

You fill up with an uncontaminated desire and are fully open to life's possibilities. Because the fear behind the worries, anxieties and so on are gone.

When you don't love yourself, it doesn't matter what you strive for and achieve. You will be perpetually unsatisfied. Be brave and go within.

We are all looking for love, unfortunately, in the wrong place. Turn to that beautiful person in the mirror instead. It is where love starts♥  When you love yourself that is when you start becoming; you know have arrived

Be authentic. It is not for the faint of heart but man, it is such a glorious, fulfilling feeling that I would recommend it, hands down, to everyone.  

And I'll tell you this too, getting to know her or him is better than sex. And that is saying a lot. If you want to feel fulfilled in life, love, career, relationships and the like, go find your true self; start now. The road is rocky but who cares. It's wonderful and smooth when you exit the tunnel♥

Share your thoughts on this with me, and what your journey has been like so far, in your quest to find your authentic self.

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